![]() G S Hooligans Final Fight Sad one - ONE BLOOD
Monday, May 29, 2006, Monday, May 29, 2006
Stand together as ONE BLOOD and true friendship WE fail sometimes+
Saturday, May 27, 2006, Saturday, May 27, 2006
Number one gun - you fail sometimes/Dear whoever - we cry mercy///////// these songs my favourites/////////// //////////////////////////////////// Friday, i did'nt go skul cause theres parents meetin and teacher didn't call me so don't need to go skul weee haha....At 9am i went to meet her at skul i took taxi hmm mcm org kaya baru seh everyday i meet her mesti nk naik taxi hahha frem toa payoh to the block where we normally meet. In taxi i sit listen to music haha lagu china haiyoo hmm then until kaki bukit the apek alamak he bring me to a long cut to tampines babi kau fikir aku banyak duit eh hehe.. den dah sampai the place its hmm $12 den apek say nvm boy $10 only then aper lagik kasik den kuar lah haha ... Sit at the block wait for her to buy tix for us and idzuan tgk movie X-MEN the last stand (btul eh) haha i pay for her hehe wee before she blanje me, i blanje her first haha .. den eat at tender besh and guess what happen hehe skip that part we wanna ferget the suay mornin hehe ... k2 den after that gi solat jumaat after that meet her again at the bawa block and off to meet idzuan and his gf i ferget her name hehe nvm hehe... then beli nachos the cheese nice hehe. after that we all balik naik 969 hmm stop here and let the picture speak for itself ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm a DUMB GUY who walks away from LIFE =)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, Tuesday, May 23, 2006
(teenage dirtbag)Her name is Noel I have a dream about her She rings my bell I got gym class in half an hour Oh how she rocks In Keds and tube socks But she doesn't know who I am And she doesn't give a damn about me Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me Her boyfriend's a dick And he brings a gun to school And he'd sI'mply kick My ass if he knew the truth He lives on my block And he drives an Iroc But he doesn't know who I am And he doesn't give a damn about me Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin Man I feel like mold It's prom night and I am lonely Low and behold She's walking over to me This must be fake My lip starts to shake How does she know who I am And why does she give a damn about I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby Come with me Friday, don't say maybe I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like you Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin Call my name before sleep =)
Sunday, May 21, 2006, Sunday, May 21, 2006
well well well if it isn't half-fish back to blogging after hmm 4 days not log in.last night went to sleep at 12mn, WENT but sleep at 4 am, i can't sleep!. I'm thinking about her, feel like she's crying or what hmm. I hug my pillow and roll left and roll right but i can't stop thinking about her. wake up in the morning on my comp at 8 am and wait fer her to online and BOOM she appear online hehe. Tell her about the night den ask her if that's anything wrong and she say nothing hmm maybe i miss her too much that's why i can't sleep hmm i miss you MISS CHUBBY... Chat with her untill hmm 11.15 am then went out to take some thing hmm go home and i saw my sister using it, i know its gonna happen wtf. she juz sign out and sign in to her acc wtf. i promise her i'll be backhmm dumb ***** ARRRR.... msg he ad tell her i'm sorry hmm at 12nn went to han house then go bukit batok for Joga Bonito hmm play soccer hmm banyak org, ponpuan pon main lau matair aku main kan bagozz haha mampos dier tendang bola melayang entah aner hehe matair saye kuat tau hahha... k2 nnti mara plak dier.. hmm after that went home hehhe boring han ajak gi umah abg yan but mcm mlz arr jauh plak tu kat kaki bukit(bedok)hmmm hmm i'll be updating tomorrow if i'm not buzy (playin game)hahha... The night i hold your hand and kiss it...=| solitary - 20 dischanger
Saturday, May 13, 2006, Saturday, May 13, 2006
late and reoccuring nightmaresdo nothing to help me overcome this insecurities have i imagine this would be happening my world came crumbling down cause a few years ago i give u my all not worrying if i made a huge mistake and my instinct let me down a crumpled state of mind that resurrects me and so a solitary life waits ahead im not used to this and im crying out loud the remnants of the past keep creeping up on me the lullaby u sing sound haunting everytime the mirror sings back at me i know its hard for me to say it happened long ago my memories etched and i forgive but not forget im so torn at all the seams im trying hard to mend it back do you ever care that i need you, you were never there so much for all the promises a solitary life waits ahead, waits ahead im not used to this and im crying out loud the remnants of the past keep creeping up on me the lullaby u sing sound haunting everytime the mirror sings back at me posts no more lyrics!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006, Friday, May 12, 2006
![]() helo2, Fish here hehe well i heard complains about me not doin my post about myself hehhe... was so lazy hehe but must do pple complain already hehe... k2 well today hmm whats today's date okie nvm i don know it will appear somwhere hehe.. today morning wake up at 6am feelin fresh to start the day well, end up not really well enuf. when to skul had english paper 2 exam its so hard but i did my very best to ans all... the paper was a 1hr 10mins paper start at 7:56 end at 9:06 and i took 1hr to finish it well fer other paper juz 45mins but not this english paper. after the paper frana msg me and said her batt is low hmm and i can't call her hmm i reply her back and when to mac eat and slack wif class mates toking crab joke arnd well that's how 4N5 do everyday haha.Walk to potong pasir mrt and when to toa payoh with edwin, meetin his gerlfren at toa payoh hmm but i didn't hmm i wish i could ... den while we were in the mrt as usual we will disturb gerls alamak cannot be blame guys what hehe.. (i tk kacau tau awak i cume kutok dorg ajer kacau tk hehe) den we alight at dhoby Ghaut hehe den ader more gerls coming in haha but too bad we are goin off so left Sandeep, Dominic, linges, Loga haha ... took a train back to payoh den alamk ader mat2 kental mau carik psl plak masok mrt aleh ckp" eh! nie dua bdk chine step besar arr .." haha me cine ya rite ... but then one of the mat reply to his fren yg ckp tu" kau diam lah ckp baik2 arr one of them bdk melayu lah sial diam lah" and the fellow keep quiet while i stare at him. how dumb can they be.... reach toa payoh meet karya and Ronald slack again hmm and karya when off left us three hm slack at han's block another frenz hmm best bud lah... slack2 till 1 den all when home ... hmm alot of slacking right... that's all i guess its long haha.. see ya soon pipit dear hahha jgn ketawe eh name manje dier tau haha....i love you |
![]() [email:: Half_fish_rip@live.com] [myspace:: HALF-FISH] yepyap.
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